Sometimes they recognize the problem and buy organizing books, filing systems and time management systems which just become lost amid all the other clutter. They tend to be packrats and shopaholics, unable to part with things even after they have outlived their usefulness. Usually, every surface <including the floor> is covered with papers and objects they purchased but never even opened, making if extremely difficult to find anything. They have a tendency to lose track of time and become easily distracted, jumping from one project to another without ever finishing anything.
If any of these sound familiar to you, please contact me today. We can get started and open up a whole new way of life for you. In some cases, additional help is needed in addition to what I can provide for you so we can get to the root cause of the problem. The link below is to a Clutter Hoarding Scale: There are many aspects of this condition and Cognitive Behavior Therapy works well, but it is best to seek help from a licensed psychologist based on your particular situation.