When we rush we become careless ... we make mistakes ... we forget ... we feel frazzled ... we get impatient with perceived obstacles that block us ... we blame others.
We spend a lot of time in the "hurry up and wait" mode. Have you ever passed all the cars in front of you, zig-zagging like a crazy person ... only to be stopped at the same stoplight where everyone else catches up? I know I have ... and even when I realized how futile it was ... I have been known to do it all again as soon as the light turns green if I am in a hurry.
Sometimes it seems that the universe conspires to slow us down if we ignore the gentler nudges. It would seem smarter to take a break or a nap because when we don't, we may find that the universe then hits us with the equivalent of a two by four ... like having your car break down or making you come down with the flu so you are forced to rest.
My advice? Give up the false idea that we have any control anyway. Think of simple pleasures that make you laugh and relax ... daydream ... smile at someone ... spend some time in gratitude ... talk to someone while you wait in line ... meditate.
Then maybe you can take some time to walk in the rain ... slowly ... smelling its fragrance ... splashing around in puddles like a child ... savoring each drop as it hits your skin ...