Arise 15 minutes earlier each morning. Spend the time getting centered for your day.
Prioritize the things you want to accomplish.
Arrive at meetings and appointments 15 minutes early.
Know what you are worth per hour. This way you can determine how to best spend your time. If your time is worth $200/hour, then be sure that you are saying 'yes' to those things that are worth that and 'no' to those things that aren't. Learn to manage interruptions and stay focused.
Use modern technology if it truly helps. I am a 'gadget person.'
Time Log. Write out each day of the week, each hour of the day and record how you spend your time. Include work, commuting, daily tasks, self-care, chores, etc. Look back each week and note patterns. Begin to eliminate those things that do not serve you.
Schedule and make sacred time a priority. This includes time with yourself, your significant other, children, friends, etc. This is what counts in life.