Think about how many times you have “settled” for less than you deserved, ignored your intuition, allowed yourself to become a victim because you didn’t act, gave up your power because you were feeling lazy that day, or simply just sold yourself out because it was the path of least resistance. That is truly a form of prostitution and it is an archetype we all share according to Carolyn Myss.
I think it boils down to this question: do you trust yourself or do you give up your rights in order to feel safe? Do you doubt your discretion and intuition to guide you to make the right choice for your continued growth and evolution?
Trust that when someone tells you who they are, they are telling the truth. You might think they will change but in all probability they won’t: we humans are hard wired to act in our own best interests no matter how much we try to delude ourselves. Our subconscious rules and we act out our fears and limitations as well as our hopes and dreams. Even those of us enlightened beings <tongue in cheek> who strive not to have an agenda and come from love in all situations sometimes falter. We need to make the effort to connect on a soul-to-soul level. Every time we relate to others, our own souls are revealed in the mirror by our filters and beliefs. I am reminded of this quote from Anais Nin: “We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.”
Trusting ourselves is totally different. We need to stay out of judgment as much as possible. I think that when choice is our default, we are less likely to feel we need to make others "behave" so we can feel safe. If we come at things from a spirit of expansion, we can achieve “the highest good for all concerned.” We can choose to not repeat past lessons. We can always muscle test if we are unsure whether it is your heart or your brain asserting itself. Make a conscious choice to live in the higher vibrations of love and joy and compassion and forgiveness and be generous with those who are not as highly evolved <again, tongue in cheek>. Have a core belief that you are always exactly where you should be, learning the lesson … that if you pass the inevitable tests … you won’t have to revisit that lesson anymore. Of course, all the rest of your lessons are waiting for their time to show up.
If we accept the premise that we are here on this planet to be “in relationship,” then we can accept the responsibility to nurture and heal and love each other. It’s all a game, so just live joyously and share your passion. The next time you are tempted to take the easy route and sell yourself out … please reconsider. Use your discretion and intuition and don’t settle for being less than you can be!