My friends laugh at me because one of my favorite phrases is “bubble up”. For me, this creates an energy shield around me. It might sound a bit woo-woo, but I have been doing this for years and it works. It’s all about intention, so I structure my bubble so that it lets positive energy in but keeps negative energy out. I just visualize a protective shield of white or gold light surrounding every inch of me including under my feet, which is particularly efficient for vampires at family dinners or social events where you're trapped.
Most people are oblivious to how their energy impacts others. Think of the people in your life and how you feel when you are around them. Pay attention to how good you feel when you are around vibrant people <who exude positive energy> and people who suck the life right out of you <energy vampires>. Once you realize this, you might even choose to limit contact with or eliminate them from your lives, which is extremely empowering.
We tend to be more vulnerable when we are tired or sick, overly busy or stressed, not getting enough healthy food and exercise, or not getting our emotional or spiritual needs met. If you feel your energy being zapped, don't hesitate to politely excuse yourself. So many times we don’t want to appear rude so we sit and suffer in silence rather than just walk away. Be sure to move outside the range of their energy field, at least twenty feet from the person. Remember that there’s a difference between being a bitch and setting boundaries; it’s all about your attitude and coming from your heart. The need to protect yourself is everywhere, even when working in ceremony or sacred space, because you’re wide open and vulnerable to attack, whether intentionally or not.
Another effective way I have found is grounding myself by meditating, breathing exercises and connecting with my center before going out in public. You can ask your higher self for "a positive and reciprocal energy between me and everyone I see today” or just pray to those that you believe in. You can use a small gemstone taped to your solar plexus to send the negative energy back to the sender and leave you alone, effectively stopping fear, anxiety or panic instantly. Black Tourmaline is probably the best, but other gemstones include jasper, agate and turquoise. A piece of black tourmaline in your pillowcase at night helps prevent nightmares <crested prickle poppy helps with nightmares too>. You can wear a necklace of one of these stones, or place one of them in your pocket. One of the funniest methods I heard of is using saran wrap consisting of three layers, one on top of the other, taped over your solar plexus.
There are many types of energy vampires out there. We all know the drama queen, the whiner, the blamer, the victim, or the intentionally cruel person who cuts you down with criticism with no respect for your feelings. You can always try to re-direct the conversation and focus on positive topics. Since I am in a healing profession, I know that I need to guard against clients who want to be “fixed” and willingly hand over their power to me but who are not willing to take responsibility for changing themselves. When a two way flow of healthy energy with another person is impossible, you need to cut the cords and clear the energetic space between you.
I can help you intentionally and deliberately cut the one directional energy cord with the people who are draining you of your joy with chakra balancing, so if you are interested in that please let me know. My advice is to just be aware of your own energy field, define and honor your personal boundaries and do what it takes to maintain your energetic vitality.