"There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results." – Unknown
Be realistic: let go of impossible expectations. We can’t do it all. Live your life but schedule time for reading based on your own internal clock. Are you more receptive right before bed so your brain can work on new ideas during sleep, or first thing in the morning? Look for pockets of time while waiting for appointments or picking up your kids: always have something to read available to pass the time.
Distractions will happen so we need to develop self-discipline in order to focus on our priorities. Granted … we all need to relax … have fun … take a break now and then to clear our heads. But when I look back, completing a task always gave me a great sense of pride knowing I had done my best and all the hard work was worth it.
We need to learn to stick to one project and finish it before starting another. As you work, keep a pad of paper and pen nearby. When you think of something that distracts you, write it down so you won’t forget it and then go back to what you were doing. List ideas by topic and then prioritize the topics … sometimes an idea needs to percolate and by the time you get around to working on the idea it is no longer relevant.
Think about all the great ideas you have heard about … how many of them are a part of your routine or just wishful thinking? No matter how great the idea is, we can’t do them all. A great idea has no value to us unless it is implemented. Be realistic … prioritize … be selective … eliminate distraction … be committed and consistently stick to it … bask in the joy of completion. Your life reveals itself through your choices. Once we develop self-discipline and master the basics, we are free to create our expansive lives.