If we think of emotions as energy in motion, we realize their cyclical and impermanent nature. Emotions result from what we tell ourselves about events based on our learned filters rather than the actual events. With personal growth, we change our perceptions, beliefs, assumptions and filters and realize that it is all just a distorted version of reality / illusion anyway. By clearing out our filters and not resisting, we free up stuck energy, let our creative juices flow once again, become more productive and welcome the inevitable changes. It is very freeing to forgive ourselves and just accept that life is perfect just as it is. Emotional detox and release require conscious awareness, commitment, and consistent daily effort … not an easy task but well worth the effort. Welcome all emotions without judgment because they each have a lesson for us.
Emotional release can be achieved in many different ways, so find what works best for you. Consider these possible methods:
*Physical activity or creativity as an emotional outlet
*Receiving massage / bodywork
*Joining a mastermind group / talking to a friend or professional
*Journaling about one’s feelings / old behaviors / patterns that keep us in a constant state of drama
*Crying / laughing out loud
*Meditation / visualization
*Shifting your thinking by removing negative emotional triggers … let it go … imagine old patterns as physical objects and simply drop them
*Act / respond rather than react from unconscious patterns
*Learn to say no
*Get adequate rest / work on your issues during your dream state
*Breathe before responding
*Release guilt … forgive yourself
Sometimes we are not even aware of what emotions we are feeling, so I would suggest muscle testing from a list of possible emotions <e-mail me for a list of emotions>. Name what you think the emotion is by saying "I feel _____" or "I am ____". Notice your body's response and ask yourself: "Am I willing to let this go?" If "yes" take a deep breath and imagine the emotion leaving your body on the exhale. Feel how much lighter your body becomes with this release.