Most people are not aware of how much they own and how many of their possessions no longer add value to their lives. Clutter gets in our way as it topples over when we trip on it. We might feel shame and guilt but please realize that we all accumulate clutter. You are not the only one with the problem. Don’t let the fact that you feel overwhelmed or embarrassed stop you from getting the help you need.
My goal is to empower you by helping you realize that since you created the clutter, you have the power to change your attitude and eliminate it. My initial consultation will help determine your priorities and then we can proceed from there. I encourage you to start slowly; take baby steps. Your clutter didn’t happen overnight. Notice how you feel as you organize one drawer, one closet, one room. Does a sense of peace wash over you? Are you beginning to see there is hope for the rest of your environment?
Whether you are getting ready to move, merging two households, downsizing, transitioning a parent to the next stage of their life, or trying to get a jump on next year’s taxes … I can help. Are you yearning for peace and a sanctuary you can come home to after the stresses of a long day at work?
Keeping things we no longer need creates stagnant energy which can drain us emotionally, causing lethargy and even depression. All parts of your home are connected directly to your life, so blocked energy in one area will manifest itself in the other. Having less stuff to deal with frees you up to find what you truly need to nourish yourself. Energetically, when you make a conscious decision to surround yourself with items that bring you joy, you will feel empowered and clear. Once you release your relationship to objects, you’ll have room to create the life you desire.
Please keep in mind that de-cluttering and organizing are not the same thing. First you need to get rid of your clutter. Don’t waste your time organizing things you don’t need, use or love. Just get rid of them: donate or throw them away. Then, what’s left is what you need to organize so your house becomes your haven. I look forward to helping you in your journey to peace as I help you de-clutter and get organized. Please let me know how I can help you in your journey.