The Ionic Cleanse treatment works by osmosis. The ionic generator is placed in the footbath where it releases ions through the water and into your body. Your cells are then energized by the ions, stimulating the release of toxins, oils, acids, fats, heavy metals, yeast, cellular debris and waste that have accumulated over your lifetime. The body can also eliminate parasites, pinworms, and various colored mucous; even drawing massive amounts of nicotine from the tissue and joints of people that quit smoking several years ago. Ionic body cleanse is an innovative technique for facilitating detox and drainage while simultaneously fostering healthy pH changes in the body.
It is an amazing process to watch as the presence of these cleansed toxins and waste are deposited back into the water around your feet in a murky display of residue. You’ll be amazed at the stuff that comes out of your body. As your body is detoxified, cleansed, balanced and able to function at its fullest capacity once again, you will experience a sense of relief throughout the body, increased energy, and improved mental clarity. This process is really great for people who are “foggy-headed” or who have memory problems as it clears yeast and heavy metals from the body, which are two of the main culprits. We all breathe that stuff in without even realizing it and it accumulates over the years, causing all sorts of problems that you might not even realize are toxin-related. It is also HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for anyone who has experienced chemotherapy. Clients with specific health concerns have reported immediate relief from migraines, fatigue, neck pain, toxemia, yeast infection, and work or sport related injuries.