Second: take everything out of your closet <you will only put back what you actually wear>. Remember the 80/20 rule: we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time
Third: set a timer for 15 minutes and examine each item and ask yourself: Do I currently wear this? Does it flatter me? Will I ever wear it again?
Fourth: make 3 piles
1. Throw away: worn out or damaged
2. Give away: still usable but you haven’t worn it in over a year, not your size, not flattering. If an item has sentimental value: take a picture of it and let it go.
3. Keep: things you actually regularly wear that make you feel good
Fifth: sort what is left by item type and color. Use clear plastic boxes to group accessories together. Use hanging shoe bags or a shoe organizer. Hang scarves, belts and jewelry.
Sixth: make a list of items that would complete your basic wardrobe and make an agreement with yourself that when something new comes in, something old will go out so you don’t accumulate clutter all over again.