Once you clear an area, make a promise to yourself that you will no longer allow clutter to accumulate there: it will become a clutter-free zone. Instead, designate a SMALL area in your home to be your staging area while you decide where the item’s permanent home will be. Set aside time once a week when you will decide where the items will go on a permanent basis. If it takes more than a few minutes, you might want to look at why you are allowing all these items to enter your space at this time. Another thing to remember: if you bring in something new, discard at least one similar item that has already served its usefulness.
I strongly recommend that you have a basket with handles that you use to gather items that belong elsewhere and make a promise to yourself that you will gather these on a daily basis and put them where they belong. Once you have de-cluttered and know that everything has a place, you know where the item belongs.
One last thing: make a promise to yourself that you will keep the flat surfaces and floors clear. Nothing says I love myself better than not having to trip over things in the middle of the night, and clear surfaces brings me a sense of peace and calmness. Aren’t you worth it, too?