From Qi Magazine | Issue 54 | Mar/Apr 2001
a. Stand and let the hands follow the body with palms still closed up to middle Dantian. Then
bring the palms up the face so that the Shangyang point on the index finger touches the Yingxiang point on either side of the nose.
b. Push the palms upwards so that the Laogong points of the palms cover the eyes. Continue upwards so that the palms pass over the top of the head.
c. Continue to move the hands to the back of the head and around to the ears so that the lower part of the palm covers the ears. Repeat these movements three times.
This movement stimulates the five external organs of eyes, ears, nose, tongue and mouth with
the Laogong point and fingers. The eyes relate to the liver, ears to kidneys, nose to lungs, tongue to heart and mouth to spleen. So from the external organs, the energy will go back to the internal organs.