- Do it daily. It’s not complicated: look at each piece of mail, make an action decision, and put it where it needs to go based on your system. Note on calendar or to do list immediately if action is needed.
- Keep it all together in one place: I use a tickler file <you can use a file cabinet, rolling file, vertical file stand, baskets, etc>. Remember that paper is either active or reference. It is all about retrieval when you need it, so be sure to label file folders with this in mind <file for reference information, file for discuss with family members, file for data entry, files for active projects you are working on>
- Ads and coupons. If you will use them, put them in the car. If not, throw them out.
- Bills. If you have lots of unopened bills, compare the older bills to the latest, throw out the old ones and pay the newest. Look at the due date and drop it in your tickler file about 5 days before it is due to be sure you mail it in time. Throw out any inserts.
- Checks. Note deposit in checkbook and put actual check and deposit slip in your purse to be deposited ASAP.
- Correspondence.
2. Invitations: note new address or phone number in your address book right away. If it is something you need to discuss make a note and do it ASAP, then RSVP if needed, then note it on calendar and file it on the actual date.
- Junk mail. Throw it away as soon as you receive it: stand over a trash can if it helps. Shred or rip up anything with your name on it, including credit card offers.