To find out where your behavioural style fits in the B.A.T, simply assign a value from 1 to 5 to the words in each set. In each case, you need to use all the digits (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), with no two words having the same value assigned.
The B.A.T is the result of over 40 years of interaction and building teams. Like any tool it can be adapted for any situation but should not be used as a cudgel or bat without full understanding of how the relationships and interactions affect and work. Have fun with this tool. It can help You optimize any team, family or group.
Use: 5 for the word in a set that has the most meaning to you and the way you view reality 4 for the next best word for your reality, 3 for the middle “best word” 2 for your fourth preference 1 for the word you prefer least.
There is only YOUR answer – no answer is the best, and no answer is wrong. It is only your answer.
Before you start, relax a bit. Take a few deep breaths. Tense and relax a few muscles. As each of the sets appear, don’t think too long about the individual words – they are just words.
Usually, your first impression of the order is the right one, especially if you are reasonably relaxed. When you have done all nine sets, the values will be added to determine your main behavioural type(s), and you will see a description of your primary type. Think about the description – it is very much how other people see you when you are in your normal mode.
However, please note that ALL people are a mixture of ALL types. You do change under many conditions, and, since you can be any type, it makes it easier to connect to other people, if you realize that you can choose which type you are when it matters to you.
Please allow 10 minutes to use the tool. Just relax. The tool does not relate to work or home it is just about you and your behavioral style.
Take the B.A.T.
The five categories of behavior are: Existential, Relational, Intellectual, Dynamic and Positional
I'd love for you to share your results.